Carrom Hero

How to Play Carrom: A Step-by-Step Guide

Carrom is a fun and engaging tabletop game that’s popular around the world. It’s easy to learn, yet challenging enough to keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re playing casually with friends or competing in a tournament, here’s everything you need to know about how to play Carrom.

What You Need to Play

  1. Carrom Board: A smooth wooden board with pockets in each corner.
  2. Carrom Men: Small discs, typically 9 black, 9 white, and 1 red (the queen).
  3. Striker: A larger disc used to hit the Carrom men.
  4. Powder: Usually used to reduce friction on the board for smoother gameplay.

Setting Up the Game

  1. Place the board on a flat surface.
  2. Arrange the Carrom men in the center of the board in a circular pattern, with the red queen in the middle.
  3. Each player chooses a color (black or white).

Basic Rules

  • The game is typically played by 2 or 4 players.
  • Players take turns using the striker to hit the Carrom men into the pockets.
  • The first player to pocket all their Carrom men (and the queen, if applicable) wins the round.

How to Play

  1. Positioning the Striker: Place the striker on the baseline (the two horizontal lines at either end of the board). You can place it anywhere within the allowed rectangle.
  2. Striking: Use your fingers to flick the striker. Aim to hit your color Carrom men into the pockets.
  3. Pocketing the Queen:
    • The queen can be pocketed by any player, but you must “cover” it by pocketing one of your own Carrom men in the subsequent turn.
    • If you fail to cover the queen, it is returned to the center of the board.
  4. Fouls:
    • Pocketing the striker.
    • Pocketing the opponent’s Carrom men.
    • Pocketing the queen without covering it.
    • Violating the baseline rules while striking.


  • Each Carrom man is worth 1 point.
  • The queen is worth 3 points, but only if it’s covered.
  • The first player to reach the agreed-upon score (e.g., 25 points) wins the game.

Tips for Beginners

  1. Aim Carefully: Take your time to aim and calculate the best angle.
  2. Use the Right Amount of Force: Too much or too little force can ruin your shot.
  3. Master the Striker Flick: Practice using different fingers to find your most comfortable striking technique.
  4. Defend Your Pieces: Be mindful of your opponent’s moves and try to block their shots.

Carrom is more than just a game; it’s a blend of strategy, precision, and a bit of luck. Gather your friends or family, set up the board, and let the fun begin!

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